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The Regis Group
How To Place Your Organization In The News
What’s newsworthy in your company or organization? Probably more than you think.
Need for Content
Many news organizations today are in constant need of content, thanks to the twin effects of declining news staffs and the rise of digital platforms such as websites and social media. Many news outlets have no shortage of recurring features -- news briefs, calendars, notes columns -- that need to be filled regularly.
Major News
In the case of major news, the news outlets will come to you. This article points to routine items you can target as news releases.  Your effort to identify what’s news can make a difference in getting your organization’s name out there. A dedicated effort to find and distribute modest news items on a regular basis over time is often the core of an effective news media program.
Here are some primary categories.
1. Promotions, hirings
2. Events
3. Awards, distinctions
4. Upgrades to the operation
5. New and innovative technologies, programs
6. People
7. Community outreach
8. Milestones
Once you’ve identified an item that a news organization is likely to bite on, what’s next? Writing and distributing a news release that is editor-friendly: clear, concise and crafted in basic news-writing style.
But that’s the topic for another article.
Daniel Clemens worked as a reporter first and then as editor for The Baltimore Sun for more than 20 years. As a news media advisor, he has penned news releases that have yielded coverage by local, regional and national news organizations.
For a full version of this article, please visit TRG Website.  

The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |  
703 777-2233 |
              July 2011        
TRG Branding and  
Media Relations
At a time when Business in our culture is poised to leap, please consider two linked functions of an organization that are too often NOT directly connected at the source:  Branding and Media Relations
A)  The creation of a perception of an entity or individual that is more than just the value of the goods and services provided to a well defined targeted group
B)  The key attributes of the perceptions to be developed include:
   1) Differentiation
   2) An emotional connection to the target group
   3) A mirror of the impression that the target group has of themselves or one that they aspire to achieve
   4) Factors that stimulate loyalty (i.e. a club you want to join!)
C)  The nature of the elements words/images used to create the messages (should reach as many of the five senses as is practical)
The actual product or service benefits offered, modified or discontinued over time but rather the PERCEPTION CREATED about and by their branding.
A)  Creates an immediate chain of both conscious and emotional impressions
B)  Reinforces positive values already in place
C)  Is repetitive and cumulative
A)  Is a set of isolated elements not conveying perception or touching a core emotion, regardless of the resources used to present them
B)  Is NOT memorable (or worse, leaves a wrong concept in place)
Stimulating the Media (Press, Internet News, Focused Information Sources) to publish accounts of actual events, developments and personalities associated with your venture
A) The fact of having created press releases, stories or fact sheets that no one actual reads
B)  Placing press releases only on your website unless clients are actually drawn there.
A)  Echoes and wraps around the messages presented in your Branding efforts in the form of News Articles, Press Releases or third-party publications without the appearance of direct advertising
B)  Causes the reader/viewer to come away with some feelings about “YOU” directly connected to THEIR circumstance
C)  Is repetitive, cumulative and energizing
A)  Are purely self serving
B)  Have no connection to further sources of information that reflect well on You"

Focus on the Future
Guest Predictions:
Martin P. Canard
Guest Predictions is a regular feature in which we ask leaders in a number of professions a set of questions that affect us all.
Martin P. Canard, 
Martin Canard is the long term poster child for "BizSpeak" who claims to be a senior analyst with a major Wall Street investment banking group.
Canard has been married for 19 years to the former Mary Belle Frobisher of Sioux City, Iowa.  Together they have inadvertently produced triplet Canards, N. Michael, Howard and Rodney, who were born November 14, 1997.  They live somewhere south of the upper West Side of Manhattan, but have threatened to move to the country since the first day of marriage.
Martin Canard is an avid collector of rare, ancient writing implements… primarily Holiday Inn ball point pens.  “BizSpeak”, his second publication, has eclipsed his previous work, “How to Sandbag Your Boss and Steal His Job”.
Q:     What changes in your professional environment in the past 3-5 years have you found to be the most beneficial?
A:    Advances in the internet have made it possible to be doing little to absolutely nothing at work while giving the appearance of advanced research and meaningful communication with clients… or if you are so inclined to actually be pulling this off for real.
Q:    What changes have been the most troubling to you?
A:    The ability of everyone to figure out what I am actually doing at any given minute, and then going for it themselves. 
Q:     How will globalization affect your professional area in the near term?
A:     Global reach and competition means that as we speak there are dozens of Martin look-alikes out there hunting for MY job… which means that I must out-Martin the Martin-wanna-bees at every turn, by thinking out of the box, getting up earlier in the day and finding Martin Counter-Part Allies (like YOU!)
Q:     What significant challenges might be anticipated in your professional area in the next few years? 
A:    The fact that EVERYONE can actually see my work at all times (including these words) is tough stuff that keeps me scratching my head late at night.
Q:     What are the greatest challenges confronting young professionals in Western culture today? 
A:      Someone might actually expect them to be dance faster, run farther and wear more brightly colored plumes than the kids that came before them (and coming right after) is a grand chance to show off everything… like right here in the next Agenda… How about it? This does, after all, mean YOU! (and yes this is a plug… sigh) 

Martin P. Canard
               Marc Chinoy
President's Letter   
Meeting Martin

In this month’s Agenda Newsletter I have had the honor of interviewing our old friend, Martin P. Canard, at his home in the Catoctin Hills of Virginia. Our relation to Martin predates the formation of TRG, and his input was there at the foundation of the company.
Sage Counsel
While Martin is not counted as one of the Regis Affiliates, his sage counsel often emerges at critical moments during the most difficult of planning facilitation sessions.
Special Point of View
He has asked me to ask you to please comment on his special point of view, so that he may continue the BizSpeak dance in his mind (and YES... he was the actual founder of that TRG function!)
Please join me in joining him to this month’s Agenda!

Winner of the Month:
Richard Earle, Senior Associate
The Big Kahuna 
A boss, leader, chieftain or top-ranking official in an organization.
Related Terms:
Big Cheese, High Muckety-muck
Expert, Wizard
How it Sounds:
“You'll have to talk with the big kahuna to get a decision on spending that kind of dough!”
Don't forget to send us your Bizspeak to:
Click here to check out the BizSpeak book!


The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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