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The Regis Group

The first working models of “Converting Your Career” are now in play.  The Society for Vascular Ultrasound in cooperation with a network of Rotary clubs (led by the Daybreak Rotary of Leesburg, Virginia) will be held at: Christ Hospital 
2139 Auburn Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Saturday, April 7, 2012
8:30am - 4:30pm
Converting Your Career (CYC) provides direct advice and suggested sequences of action to significant elements of the working and professional community at large, who are either being impacted by or have a personal concern for the prospect of a change to their primary careers.
Additionally, TRG is designing a series of similar one day courses as a cooperative effort with a range of groups.  We welcome inquiry from organizations that have a constituency facing the prospect of moving to a next phase of their lives and careers.
“Retirement should Not be the end of your career… but should be the start of the most rewarding Phase of your professional life.”
 -Through your actions over the years, you have built the knowledge and positioning you need to be even more successful
 -This can happen by working to a schedule and a plan
 -You will be working with what you know and who you know
 -Invest in yourself (your time and expertise)
 -This does NOT require heavy out-of-pocket expenditure to initiate
For the full flyer of the opening SVU/TRG activity being undertaken with the involvement of our friends at Rotary, please visit SVU Converting Your Career website.
The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |  
703 777-2233 |
            March 2012            
In a time when change should be in the forefront of business development thinking, two critical steps should be pursued together:  Formal “Strategic” planning combined with a rethinking of “Branding.”
Both are often misperceived as “automatic” efforts, and the linkage between them is frequently not brought into focus.
Taking the time to capture and refine an intended pattern of development or an issue of concern into a focused plan can be a critical step.  
The initiation of planning will benefit from starting with “Single Document.”
  - Develop an outline of all questions related to the area of effort or concern.
  - Have more than one individual answer the questions as a set of written notations
  - Where the answers in alignment, convert to a series of commitments in a measured sequence
Now, adjust the defining document into a “Spec Sheet” that details, Findings, and Points (in a sense a “soft” Contract), leading to a mutually agreed upon working Plan and/or actual working Contract.
Branding is defined as: All phrases, images, and related texts that establish a desired emotional PERCEPTION in the minds of a target group.  Branding can be applied to more than products or services.  It should be consciously wrapped around processes or even the resolution of an issue…Yes!
Apply a universal test to all communications:
  - Is the intention in writing in a form that can be generally understood?
  - Does the language and associated images move the target emotionally?
  - Is there a sequence of activity that translates intention to tangible results?
  - Have you created a ‘Brand Essence’ that wraps around the effort?
  - Are the results being measured/tracked/communicated by someone OTHER than the person committed to engaging them?
Pick a “generally understood” area of development related to your group’s “Branding” that has potential desirability but has not been “Branded”.  Apply the “Tangibility” sequence.  Once your vision is clarified in the form of a plan, put the result into play.
The primary elements outlined above will appear soon in more detail on the TRG website:

Focus on the Future
Guest Predictions:
Dr. Charles Petitt
Guest Predictions is a regular feature in which we ask leaders in a number of professions a set of questions that affect us all.
Dr. Charles Petitt President of Piedmont International University (PIU) 
Dr. Charles Petitt was born in Abingdon, Virginia and is a graduate from Easley Christian School.  Dr. Petitt graduated from Baptist University of America in 1985 with a Bachelor of Theology.
In 2002 Charles Petitt was inaugurated as the fifth President of Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate School.  In the 2010-2011 academic year, PBC enjoyed the largest enrollment in its 66-year history.  On January 1, 2012, the enhanced College and Graduate School acquired the University status and is now Piedmont International University.
Dr. Petitt is a gifted speaker, who has preached in numerous universities, colleges and schools, as well as hundreds of churches across America and on five continents.
Dr. Petitt’s wife, Dawn, has ministered alongside Dr. Petitt all of their married life. They have two daughters and reside in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Q:     What changes in your professional environment in the past 3-5 years have you found to be the most beneficial?
A:    Technological advances have empowered significant innovations in the delivery of quality higher education at more reasonable prices to greater numbers of diverse students than ever before. Taking education to where all the students are is far more efficient and affordable than bringing all the students to where the education is. Delivery systems with built in agility and flexibility will better serve a variety of students and produce far better outcomes.
Q:    What changes have been the most troubling to you?
A:    I am actually more troubled by the slowness of many in the higher education arena to embrace the changes the emerging technologies have enabled. Departments of Education and accrediting bodies sometimes seem stuck in the past and almost paralyzed by all the emerging online and hybrid options. Too many policies are dated and continue to stifle innovation that would both improve educational outcomes and reverse the runaway cost of higher education. 
Q:     How will globalization affect your professional area in the near term?
A:     Piedmont International University has developed a global enrollment strategy including a plan to recruit key students from every nation on earth into Master’s and PhD programs for advanced theological and ministry training. We will utilize our cutting edge online delivery system and build a strategic endowment to provide major scholarships for high capacity students who will have a lasting impact on their nation.
Q:     What significant challenges might be anticipated in your professional area in the next few years? 
A:    How can we continue to provide excellence in higher education while continuing to innovate and cut costs for those pursuing graduate and undergraduate degrees? How can we sharply advance our endowments for the benefit of all students during a challenging economy?
Q:     What are the greatest challenges confronting young professionals in Western culture today? 
A:      There is an integrity crisis in leadership with part of the fault resulting from the separation of ethical training from education. Piedmont International University is determined to saturate every degree program with values training and do everything within our power to produce graduates with strong moral foundations. 

 Dr. Charles Petitt
Marc Chinoy
President's Letter   
The cooperative efforts of the TRG team, the leadership of SVU under the management of Steve Haracznak, and our colleague,  Jim Snyder, CPA (Yount Hyde & Barbour and Rotary) have now lead to the first working model of “Converting Your Career”.
We are most pleased to launch the initial working sessions in the months of March and April.  Please visit the attached link. SVU Converting Your Career
We are also in discussion with a number of organizations that wish to participate in other locations around the country.  The project lends itself to a wide range of constituents, and it is now ready to go.
If offering this course is potentially of value to the participants in / membership of your group please contact us at:
or call us at: 703.777.2233
“Welcome to the future”
Best regards  
Marc Paul Chinoy

Winner of the Month:
Laissez Faire 
To let an issue or development stand as is... taking the bad with the good.
Related Terms:
Seat of the Pants; Could Care Less; Hanging in the Breeze
How it Sounds:
“The Board has been painfully Laissez Faire about supporting the introduction of our new branding, which leaves us basically ‘Blank-faced’ in the market.”
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The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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