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The Regis Group
Hidden Assets:
How To Both Recognize And Build On Their Value
IP (Intellectual Property)
*This is an often misunderstood, but powerful asset
*ALL innovative programs, writings, software, and directives are IP
*If they work for your organization, you can assume that there are countless others reachable through the internet (multiple ways) who will find them useful
*Consider scheduling a specific time in the year and designating a working team (both internal AND external) to list/index/enhance the full range of IP under your control
*How you manage, develop, plan. express, review and/or adjust the working efforts of your group can significantly enhance the value of your IP
*Your IP and surrounding activities is worthy of a scheduled annual review
*Possibly connected to a budgeting process for the upcoming year
*This should include a WRITTEN assessment of Reporting Structure, Internal and External Communication/Direction, Planning in all forms and the Assessment process itself 
*Of all the often misunderstood Asset-builders, this tops the list
*This is NOT only the shape and color of your logo, website design or key phrases
*Branding covers the full range of expression in every form that conveys what differentiates both your group AND the individuals in your group
*Expressed in multiple forms (written/graphic/spoken)
*Expressed BOTH:
      -Externally through ALL media 
      -Internally – setting the style/identity and expectation of the group
*Should be a focus for both Groups at large and Elements within Groups

The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |  
703 777-2233 |
          October 2012        
The "FIRST R" Program Celebrates A Decade Of Service  
* “First R” was an outgrowth of a dilemma facing many smaller cities and towns.
* At the turn of the century a slashing of school budgets resulted in the abandonment of programs deemed “unnecessary”, such as elementary school libraries, as was the case in Gloucester Massachusetts.
* After 25 years in New York City as a political advisor, Pat Earle retired to her family home is Gloucester and became involved in local political issues.
* Early in 2001, budget constraints caused the elimination of the 6 elementary school librarians and the closing of their libraries - denying the youngest children access to books at school.
* Pat Earle, a lifelong lover of books, realized that an important tool had been removed and took steps to remedy the situation.
* In the Fall of 2002, Pat turned to local political, business, and school administrations leaders in the communities around her to volunteers to visit elementary school classrooms for an hour to read aloud to the children, leaving a new hard cover children’s book behind as a gift to the classroom.
* The resulting libraries have grown in the last decade to rival the K and 1st grade selection in many public libraries.
*The community leaders who volunteered to read have gained a new perspective on actual conditions in their elementary schools, as well as a satisfaction in inspiring young children to read.
* In this ever changing world READING IS THE KEY TO KNOWLEDGE.
* The program should be started in any city or town facing this problem by connecting children to reading through the example of leaders.
“If you can read, you can do anything”

Focus on the Future
Guest Predictions:
Dona Kerr
Guest Predictions is a regular feature in which we ask leaders in a number of professions a set of questions that affect us all.
Dona Kerr,, resides near San Diego, California.  After attaining her Degree in Management and completing a Business and Life Coaching Certification Program, Dona took her passion for working from home and began an internet marketing and virtual assistance company.  Dona found that the practical skills learned during college became much more valuable than formal courses, because in reality internet marketing changes daily.  Her constant adaptations taught her how to learn, think and grow as a business owner.
Q:     What changes in your professional environment in the past 3-5 years have you found to be the most beneficial?
A:    Finding people in my industry who are on the cutting edge.  The people I follow are the ones who are committed to developing and testing innovations in on-line marketing in real time.
Q:    What changes have been the most troubling to you?
A:    Google and other internet companies change the way the internet functions constantly, including how people are required to interact with the internet.  This forces companies to continually adapt to new methods at an exceeding rapid pace.
Q:     How will globalization affect your professional area in the near term?
A:   Learning and adopting new tools to support a world audience will be essential.  Skype and webinar ability will continue to become more beneficial, practical and constructive.
Q:     What significant challenges might be anticipated in your professional area in the next few years? 
A:    As new technology is introduced, such as tablet computers and smart phones, we have to learn to market across many different platforms.  An example would be mobile marketing vs. internet marketing.
Q:     What are the greatest challenges confronting young professionals in Western culture today? 
A:    There are several pressing challenges that I see ahead including: information overload and not taking the time to relax and unplug, in a way that the creative mind has a chance to form new ideas (ie. an epidemic of over-busyness). So much is going on in life that balance becomes a serious issue, leading to the prospect of burnout. 

 Dona Kerr
Marc Chinoy
President's Letter

Once again The Agenda is focused on the connection between youth and experience.
Congratulations are due to Pat Earle in Gloucester MA for the tenth anniversary of First R Foundation, that connects leaders with the most impressionable in the community.
There is a universe between saying and doing. This is a gap that Pat Earle has leapt.
At the same time, TRG’s CONVERTING YOUR CAREER has taken a next step forward with two recent day-long sessions, this time in separate sites in Northern Virginia.
So, here is a tip of the hat to:
Robin Suomi,
Loudoun Small Business Development Center 
Jim Snyder,
Yount, Hyde & Barbour P.C. 
George Drexel,
Middleburg Social Media
for their significant efforts to bring about this second round of "Converting Your Career" program which premiered at Christ Hospital in Cincinnati.
On to the next
Best regards to all!

Marc Paul Chinoy

Winner of the Month:
George Dexel Founder of Middleburg Social Media
“Low Hanging Fruit”
A business opportunity that is immediate and easy to turn into positive results
Related Terms:
Crime of Opportunity, Open Prospect, Quick Turn
How it Sounds:
“Katy was quick to Grab the LOW HANGING FRUIT of top leads at the reception before the awards dinner”
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The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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