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The Regis Group
Happy New Year from The TRG Family

"Internet Re-Focus"
Part II
“About Your Branding / Rebranding - 2013”

Branding distinguishes you and your business from others.

Currently at the center of your Branding efforts should be the Internet and the broad reality it creates.  
Additionally, you already own significant IP (Intellectual Property)  assets that can be presented both as working tools and a demonstration of what brought you to this point.

The central concepts within your Brand should stand out in the marketplace, and be used to differentiate you and your team from competitors (ASAP, repeatedly, and at all times).

The centerpiece of this strategy should be the placement of your IP on the web.  If you do nothing else, be sure that your branding keeps you in the minds of your target clients continuously.

Our TRG site is dedicated to helping you learn how to make the enterprise that is you stand out in a steadily broadening marketplace.  
For key steps without cost to you visit our Website: 
The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |  
703 777-2233 |
                   January 2013                

“About Your Strategic Planning - 2013”  
Strategic planning is a formal process that leads to an internal understanding of where you and your team are today. Additionally your plan should include an agreement as to where you hope to go over time and the details of how you and your team will arrive at selected targets.
The act of strategic planning works best if it is set within a multi-year and monthly calendar, and driven forward by working policies as to when and how you and your BoD/ Team/Advisors will visit both the planning and its application. 
*A plan that is not written is not a plan
*A written plan that is not shared and owned by others beyond yourself is not a plan
*A ‘shared’ plan that is not visited, assessed and adjusted on a calendar basis is not a True Plan
Cautionary Note About The Current Reality:
*In Establishing Your Path, Set Key Outcomes As Targets
*Avoid Being Sidetracked By Lesser Issues (There Are Many)
*Engage Your ‘Team’ In A Scheduled Sequence To Be Considered And Tied In Place Permenantly To Be Sure To Turn Your Vision Into A Working Plan… Now!
For more tangible steps without cost to you visit our Website:
We DO practice what we preach... As an element of our recently completed internal strategic plan, over the next months we will be adding new working tools to our website for you to use. These will be there without cost to you, as are all the tools we post there.

We also will be pointing to key tools on the front page of our website:

Please visit us often to see what we are featuring.
We would appreciate your feedback of which you have found to be useful and new ones you might like to see.
Focus on the Future
Guest Predictions:
Nathan Mishler 
Guest Predictions is a regular feature in which we ask leaders in a number of professions a set of questions that affect us all. 
Nathan Mishler, Studio Cypher  

Nathan Mishler is a co-founder of Studio Cypher, a game-design company dedicated to providing educational, positive, enriching games. Studio Cypher's games and other game-design informed programs are used in Museums, Optometry offices, and people's home computers. Nathan has a masters in Telecommunication from Indiana University Bloomington, the city in which he still resides. When not working for Studio Cypher, Nathan practices and teaches the martial art Aikido, an art dedicated to self defense through quickly and calmly defusing conflict situations and creating harmony.

Q:     What do you see as the key emerging uses of the internet?
A:    People moving to portable computing, as well as communication with others of all types in real time on all subjects imaginable.  For example: sitting in a coffee shop in Bloomington, Indiana with constant, open access to all publically available human knowledge, as well as any individual who wishes to interact with me.
Q:    What surprising applications of the internet have you found?
A:    Difficulties of some of the biggest public games with turning high volume usage into net revenue.  The business model was not sustainable. This calls for better understanding of internet based revenue models.
Q:     What have been the "Best Uses" of the internet for you?
A:    Permanent storage of and access to documents, such as using Google Drive and Dropbox. In fact the net acts as an extension of my own mind with both protection of memory and access to true wisdom.
Q:     What should be avoided when dealing with the Internet? 
A:    Keep in mind as never before that everything we say or do on the net is permanent.  NOTHING ever goes away - Right or Wrong. At the same time, it is important to be aware of this while not becoming overly cautious as we explore uses.
Q:     Which next steps might you recommend for all of us to take? 
A:    Explore the need for a mobile phone version of your website. You might need it right now. Business leaders should turn to young people on a regular basis to see how they are using and thinking about the internet. Learning how people in other countries and cultures are using social media is critical.  Last thought:  Consider affirmatively building a social network… connected to yourself and your business… far beyond what might have been obvious in the past.
Nathan Mishler
Marc Chinoy
President's Letter
Tough Love and Unusual Opportunities!
As the economy starts to swing back toward growth, and the internet becomes ever more the centerpiece of commerce (and so much more), those who care to look forward at realities, will find strong prospects for advancement.

In this edition of the Agenda we will point to both Branding and Strategic Planning as critical ‘year-opening’ steps.
Critical Steps:
*Connect all plans to a Calendar
*Build Targets, Checklists, and Measures that will actually be followed
*Adjust your website with new information of value on a rolling basis so that your targeted clients and allies will come back often (See NOTE Below)
*Tough issues are to be named and addressed, not simply understood to exist.
*Revisit Ownership of each of the above on a rolling basis starting with the First Point… Now!
NOTE TO REMEMBER: A website that does not change in content is a billboard to be looked at once while passing by.

Best wishes to all as we step into a New Year! 
Happy New Year

Winner of the Month:
John Orange, International Patent agent with Blakes law firm 
An effort or thought that goes beyond the expected or immediately understood.
Related Terms:
A bit of a Reach, Stretching the Point, Forcing the Issue
How it Sounds:
"Jojo was really Pushing The Envelope with the team, when she Floated the Idea of an extra hour of working on Saturday."
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The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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