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The Regis Group
Judge Zimmerman 
TRG Associate Eric Zimmerman Serves as a Judge in Mock Trial Competition at Patrick Henry College.

TRG Associate Eric Zimmerman sat as a judge in the 2013 Mock Trial Competition held recently at Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.

Teams from numerous colleges in the United States participated in the week-long event. Each team was composed not only of the faux attorneys, but also witnesses who put on evidence of a civil matter. Each team was judged based upon their individual trial skills and overall presentation.

Mr. Zimmerman, who has practiced law in Loudoun County for over 38 years,  said, “I am amazed at the poise of the young men and women in this Mock Trial Competition. I can honestly say that some of them are better in the courtroom setting than some actual attorneys.”

The winning team was from the host school Patrick Henry College.  That institution has an impressive resume in that it has won the nationwide Moot Court competition for three of the past four years.

For more information please contact: Eric V. Zimmerman, Esquire
50 Catoctin Circle NE, Suite 201
Leesburg, VA 20176
Phone: 703-777-8850
The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |  
703 777-2233 |
                   March 2013               

Summary of the Pros and Cons of the Affordable Care Act
By Steve Haracznak, TRG Associate
Ever since President Obama signed into law the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010, there has been debate among many Americans, especially association/business leaders, as to the pros and cons of the law. Various provisions of the Act are confusing and are being phased in over a number of years. The Act is intended to assure that all Americans have medical insurance coverage either thru employment, statewide insurance exchanges, or on their own. Following is a concentrated overview of the key provisions of the Affordable Care Act and how it might impact your association/business team now or in the near future.

Pros of the new Affordable Care Act
*Stronger Consumer Rights and Protections
*More Affordable Coverage
*Better Access to Care
*Strengthening Medicare
Cons of the new Affordable Care Act
*Opposition to requiring citizens to purchase health insurance or pay a tax penalty
*Increased healthcare coverage may actually increase health care costs for Americans
*Higher taxes for certain Americans
*Physicians may not accept new patients under the Act
*Higher fees for pharmaceutical companies may be passed on to consumers
*Loss of some company-sponsored health care plans
*Growing federal deficit and growing federal work force concerns
It is important for your association/business to understand fully the many implications of the Affordable Care Act on your employees.
For a an extended version of this article please visit The Regis Group, Inc. website   
Focus on the Future
Guest Predictions:
Steve Haracznak 
Guest Predictions is a regular feature in which we ask leaders in a number of professions a set of questions that affect us all. 
More than 35 years of leadership in national associations, including Executive Management; Board and Committee Liaison; Planning; Recruitment and Retention; Marketing and Public Relations.

Recently served for 10 years as Executive Director to the Society for Vascular Ultrasound, a national professional organization.

Previously with the American Ambulance Association, the National Association of Medical Equipment Services (now the American Association for Homecare); the Association of Trial Lawyers of America; and the American Gas Association.

A graduate of Duquesne University, and a long-term member of the American Society of Association Executives. Steve is an usher at Vienna Presbyterian Church, and the U.S. Park Services' Wolf Trap Park for the Performing Arts. Also a volunteer at the Shepherd's Center for senior citizens.

Steve and his wife Nancy have been married for 33 years and have three daughters, one granddaughter and two cats.

Q:     What do you see as the key emerging uses of the internet in National Association Leadership?
A:    Being able to reach all of the members of an association 24/7 with important information about what their association is doing for them as members, plus  providing timely information via both in-person courses as well as online education such as webinars. Key information also should be available online aimed at potential members in order to get them or their business to join the association.
Q:    What surprising applications of the internet have you found in National Association Leadership?
A:    Some of the best applications of the Internet include detailed and timely websites, online newsletters on at least a monthly basis, bulletin boards, blogs, and online educational webinars.
Q:     What have been the "Best Uses" of the internet for you in National Association Leadership?
A:    One of the “Best Uses” of the Internet is to provide timely, focused and low-cost information via members’ only web pages. In today’s competitive business environment, many people do not have the time or inclination to leave their business to travel to meetings for an education, with significant meeting registration fees, travel, hotel and food costs. A 1-2 hour online webinar can be offered to members at very reasonable costs as a benefit of membership. They can participate from their office or home, either when the webinar is held or later, when they can access an archive version.
Q:     What should be avoided when dealing with the Internet in National Association Leadership? 
A:    With providing too much free information on the Internet, association members may not see the value of paying for membership and may elect not renew their membership in order to save money.  It is important for associations to continue to provide specific membership benefits that are not on the Internet.
Q:     Which next steps might you recommend for all of us to take in National Association Leadership? 
A:    It is critical to have staff that can use the latest technology in reaching the members via the Internet, but the association leadership must not lose the special importance of face to face communication with its members annually at a national conference.
Steve Haracznak
Marc Chinoy
President's Letter
Practice What You Preach 

The TRG team has drafted and is now beginning to implement our next 3 year plan. In keeping with the central advise to all of our Planning Facilitation clients, the centerpiece is practica/measurable steps to advance the Group. Running our last plan saw a series of promises kept with the emergence of ‘Converting Your Career’ (CYC) and the placement of a set of highly advanced ‘Policy & Procedures’ with clients.

Among the new Objectives is a pledge of cause an adjusted use of this Newsletter to reach an expanded audience. In keeping with that key target we are asking you, the reader of this TRG Newsletter, to please send us the e-mail addresses of those who might enjoy a monthly side-trip into our mutual exploration of business development.

As has been true from the beginning, please note that we do not place advertising in our newsletter, nor will we offer up the list that makes this transmission possible.

We also promise to try to make each Agenda more interesting than the last with your help...So please! Send us the e-addresses of friends and colleagues who join us on a brief, monthly exploration.

As we enter our sixth year together, I remain, Marc Paul Chinoy! 

Winner of the Month:
Kathleen Flood, Executive Director, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology 

"Stirring Up All Kinds Of Dust"
Comments or activities that stimulate disagreement, contention or active dispute.
Related Terms:
Useless Upheaval, Fuss Budget, Internal Turbulence. Sturm und Drang
How it Sounds:
"George was very good at Stirring Up All Kinds Of Dust over very little, including last weeks Hullabaloo over the brand of coffee in the break room"
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The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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