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The Regis Group
An essential communication tool for every business

Communication is defined in Webster’s as: “The act of conveying information from one person to another through the sharing of thoughts and ideas, either verbal or in written form.” 
Communication is the single most important element needed for the success of any relationship, whether personal or business.  Without clear communication most relationships are doomed from the beginning. 
Businesses that lack the proper internal communication tools cannot successfully stimulate and sustain cooperation either internally or with other entities. 
Effective communication occurs when a mutually desired outcome flows as the result of information sharing. As part of this effort, no matter how big or small your business, whether you have 2 employees or 200, it is essential for a variety of reasons that all businesses have a Policy & Procedure Manual in place.
Without understandable methods in place most businesses are doomed to eventual failure or at the least spasms of confusion, lower productivity and poor quality both in the workplace in the resulting products and / or services. 
Having a successful Policy and Procedure Manual will:

* Allow for smoother day to day operations (which equals higher productivity and quality)
* Allow employees at all levels to understand their individual roles, responsibilities and the leadership’s job function and outcome expectations    
* Allow leadership more time for setting strategic direction and measuring results and less time micro managing
* Provide structure, training , rules and guidelines for entire workplace (including Local, State and Federal legal requirements)
If your business is showing signs (rising overhead costs, lower quality and production, increasing  employee complaints or higher turnover rates… to name a few) then it may be time to review the Policies and Procedures currently in place.  
If you have no Policy and Procedure Manual, then it’s definitely time to get started.
Please visit our website May 1st for a revised P&P Index .  
The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |  
703 777-2233 |
                   April Special 2013               


Making best use of the internet has steadily emerged as a critical planning target with many of TRG’s clients.  As a result, our team has reached to a broad range of leaders in multiple industries and disciplines to understand what they, as individuals, see moving in our direction next.

The Question: 
“In what way might we use the internet to help us take advantage of emerging  improvements in the global economy?”

Michael Schwebler: The Christ Hospital Consulting Services,  
The key to using the internet for healthcare is designing proactive and interactive environments in which patients and physicians can make a series of powerful decisions. All of us are already beyond static websites, and are fully engaged in advancing mobile phone and i-pad use to ensure the achievement of desired healthcare outcomes.
Paula Fleckenstein: William H. Gordon Associates, Inc., 
I am hoping we will continue to see steadily improving means to capture and channel Big Data to help make steadily more valuable decisions.  There is already a wealth of new applications that help a wide array of leaders in this way.  The next steps call for better means of filtering information to move aside noise to arrive at what we need.
Patty Strand: National Animal Interest Alliance,   
As a research-based organization, gathering valuable information from other countries, by example trends in nations from Sweden to Italy, is an ideal use of the internet as we reach out to help animals everywhere.
John Orange: Blakes, 
In confirming through multiple independent queries perceived trends, a power of the internet is to secure multiple points of reference to challenge any proposition.  The internet also gives you the opportunity to be an immediate presence wherever improvement is occurring.
Lauren Oakley: Oakley Rhinehart Cassidy, LLC, 
We are able to keep up with market trends and up to date sales data, mapping capabilities, tenant management to a multitude of people in our system, and overall increased productivity.  We are also able to easily connect buyers from everywhere to our products in Central Florida 24-hours a day.
Ted Carvis: Law Offices of Thaddius J. Carvis,
There is a renaissance underway in intellectual property.  The internet offers educational resources progressively expanding from an open book to a fully indexed and interactive encyclopedia, while simultaneously providing a growing array of top quality lecturers, who offer coordinated guidance to practical answers.  
Gary Beevers: USW International Union, 
As the internet has made formerly national economies global, so too has it made the plant gate global; affording workers the ability to share working conditions, pay levels, workplace and general living concerns.  The internet has made it possible to jointly work to challenge global companies in order to improve our lot.
Nathan Mishler: Studio Cypher, 
The internet helps us all achieve a better understanding in what is happening in the world, to ultimately create a personal connection to our selected global audiences.
Fernando Figuroa: Del Mar College, 
For long term advantage and positioning, we must enhance the quality and global distribution of Open Source online learning opportunities, as well as extended communities for everyone. 
At the center is Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and all the ways that people communicate with each other in an instant. The emerging changes are helping millions take advantage of new opportunities, while helping us all plan better.
Dr. David Prince: William Mitchell College of Law
By providing the modern infrastructure upon which businesses deliver and consumers use services, the internet encourages constant innovation by service providers to capitalize on its power and reinvent their business models to boost growth, performance, and productivity.  This requires us to identify trends, by analyzing the mass of data available from the internet, that have the potential to increase the effect of our efforts and to use its infrastructure to improve our output capacities.
Bryan Benitz: The Veterinary Club,
Broad range research is a powerful tool offering us reach into multiple markets.  Web-based promotion of companies leading to increased sales is part of our new reality. The information mobility and accessibility provided in-real-time is hard to overstate, despite a steadily progressing cyber-threat of terrorism.  Additionally, the current generation of children will discover realities we can barely even imagine.
Eric Vincent Zimmerman, Esq.: Miller Zimmerman PLC, 
The internet changes the way we communicate with one-another.  We used to believe that faxing was fast. Now we are moving into a time of instant information and with it accelerated decision-making that helps those who use the internet well become far more effective. 
Brett Lowell: Franchisor Pipline,
The emergence of websites focused on the specialty areas of every organization is becoming an absolute strategy.  There is no better way to convey information.  The reach is not just local, but it is global.
Charlene Connelly: International University of Nursing,
The internet can help us measure a solid pulse in the vast array of both individuals and organizations, large and small, globally.  Additionally, the internet brings us an endless sweep of information and tools in real time, while helping find a voice to influence thinking and offer education across diverse cultures, while also learning from them constantly.
Steve Haracznak: The Regis Group, Inc.
The Internet will steadily become the central information and entertainment source; by-passing traditional cable TV service. As the speed and volume of worldwide business and association communication improves, so will be the ability to do new ranges of business internationally, simultaneously and at falling costs.
For the most current and up todate list please visit our TRG website.
Marc Chinoy
President's Letter
The subject is communication... Not just sending or receiving words, but assuring that information is actually conveyed in ways that enhance beneficial outcomes both for those sending as well as for those in need of receiving.

This is the greatest challenge to all of us as leaders in this age of shortening intervals and increasing complexity... not only to do the job of pronouncing correct and valuable messages in a timely fashion, but to assure that those messages penetrate the need and fully benefit the receivers...

This special edition of Agenda Newsletter speaks to 2 critical aspects of business communication today:

* The first is the value of clarifying those policies and procedures too often left to general understanding.
* The second is the steadily evolving value of the web to all of us.

In turn our May edition will advance this call further by stimulating cross-communication of tools and methods between groups as well as offering the next “Converting Your Career” opportunities, through the next round of offerings.
Your response to our call for expanded cross communication will help us all to move to the next steps. Please let me know what you are seeking and what you are able to share. 
Marc Paul Chinoy! 


The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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