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from all of us at TRG


Development of a working Strategic Plan is NOT an academic exercise.
ALL groups, regardless of size or area of endeavor benefit from adopting a formal sequence of planning review and development.

There is no exception to this concept.
Functioning without a plan in place can increase the complexity of efforts and place groups at risk.
This applies to individuals at all levels of professional effort as well.

Having a plan is NOT a guarantor of success.

NOT having a plan in place is NOT a guarantor of failure.


Having a well considered plan that follows a set of basic premises aligned with the core intentions of the leadership and not a theoretic outcome, increases the prospect of strong competition and critical positioning in an increasingly difficult marketplace.

1. If it is not in writing it does not fully exist
2. There should be calendar for everything of consequence
3. Without two sets of independent eyes reviewing each step, there is less likelihood of the outcome succeeding

1. Does your group have a strategic direction and corresponding plan in writing?
2. Is it less than 3 years old?
3. Does it have measurable outcomes and clear ownership?
4. Have your plans been monitored steadily with adjustments made at targeted intervals over time?

If the answer to all of the Key Questions is less than an unqualified “Yes!” then the prospect of a full win may have been limited.

…If not there is high value in visiting (or revisiting) your plan development effort.
          JANUARY 2014            

The Internet: A Branding Platform Part 3

The internet is the new common universe for the development of business for both groups and individuals, regardless of their areas of effort, who are intent on affirmatively positioning themselves in the marketplace.

Any planning, whether called “Strategic”, “Operational” or “Administrative”, that does not accommodate the internet, places the planners at risk.  This is particularly true in regards to the Branding of “...Professionals”.  

There is no exception for this reality.  
The size of a group is NOT a factor over-ruling the importance of this step.   

A global corporation without a well considered INTERNET PLAN providing a strong emphasis on the Branding of the Enterprise places themselves at risk.  

A solo entrepreneur, and even a single individual within a group but who does not have a written internet plan that clarifies the desired perception of their capabilities, reduces their prospect for the advancement they seek.
This is NOT a lightly considered claim, but the outcome of witnessing hundreds of planning efforts over time. 

The following is a master set of questions leading to a Web-Based “Brand”:
Who do you hope will be aware of your group or individual efforts?

Which functions or platforms on the web are they most likely to turn to for understanding?

* What "Look and Feel” of your presence will help center ALL visitors sense of what you are?

* What concepts do you advocate that will advance your client’s efforts and visitors’ understanding?

* How can you place yourself in front of them as they search for concepts?

* Have you placed your thoughts on the internet in a way that others can find them easily?

The fact that you are reading this line at this time demonstrates the power of simple, low cost mechanisms under YOUR IMMEDIATE CONTROL that WILL reach thousands virtually instantaneously.

FYI… if you have a concept focused on ways to use the internet that is innovative, please bring this to our attention at TRG Agenda.  We are actively searching for great concepts to share.

Focus on the Future
Guest Predictions:
Gale Paige 
Guest Predictions is a regular feature in which we ask leaders in a number of professions a set of questions that affect us all. 
Gale Paige, President and CEO of Complete Professional Connections 

Complete Professional Connections is a client-centric company that provides extensive training in Networking and Business Development. Our focus is to help our clients form trusting, long-term relationships within their sphere of influence. Our team takes the time to teach each of our clients the best tools and tips available, so they can easily "Network" their way to success. We believe that growing a strong network will help your business generate wealth and thrive. We strive to educate businesses and individuals on the power and importance of networking. To us, Networking isn't just our job... it's our lifestyle! At Complete Professional Connections, we have the passion, dedication, commitment and knowledge to help YOU create complete, professional business relationships with the right connections.

Gale is a speaker and a writer. Gale was a break out speaker at the 2012 Virginia Women’s Business Conference. She was the featured speaker for the Business Women of Loudoun, a breakout speaker at the National Veterans Small Business Conference, and at a TEDxTalk event. Gale was published in I am Modern Magazine and is finishing her book “You too can be a Queen, Networking tips you can actually use” (2014).

Gale is currently guest lecturing for the MBA students at John Hopkins University and George Mason University, while guest lecturing for undergraduate students at Radford University, Virginia Commonwealth University, George Mason University and University of Maryland.

Q:     What do you see as the key emerging uses of the Internet as a Networking and Business Developer?
A:    The use of social media to connect, build relationships, do business and market myself and my company. The internet has made researching an individual and company easier before I meet with them. 
Q:    What surprising applications of the Internet have you found  as a Networking and Business Developer?
A:    I don’t tend to be a high tech individual but the use of new apps are incredible. I knew it would be the most popular “thing” when I heard a song on Sesame Street “there’s an App for that”. I believe LinkedIn has allowed for professional social networking to soar. 
Q:     What have been the "Best Uses" of the Internet for you?
A:    As a person who believes in face to face networking the internet has been the best vehicle to stay in touch with people. I can send an email or facebook message letting them know I have been thinking of them. It makes staying in touch simple and fast. I still send note cards and make phone calls but the internet makes communication with many people a lot easier.
Q:     What should be avoided when dealing with the Internet? 
A:    Remember that everything you post on any social media site is forever. There are no do overs or take backs. If you are angry or want to “say” something it is best to wait 24 hours before writing that email or message on the internet. Too many people want to be heard when they are upset and don’t often recognize their thoughts are open to the entire world. 
Q:     Which next steps might you recommend for all of us to take? 
A:    I believe that people crave one on one attention and you should not give up face to face time with other people. That being stated you must have a presence on the internet, make sure you have a website, get the basics for your business in social media and make a post/tweet two to three times a week. If you don’t think you can handle your social media there are great companies out there that are affordable and awesome (check out Generation Y media). 
Marc Chinoy
President's Letter
Once again we are pointing to the Internet, and in particular the intersection of networking and methods designed to carry the perception of you and your organization forward to a universal audience.
For those who say, “We have heard enough about the Web…” we would like to suggest the constant evolution of this critical aspect of our times is now a perpetual, rolling subject. Ignoring this can lead to a weakening of existing strategies.  
Planning that is left to “We will know that we are doing the right thing even without an advance plan!" can be a risky conclusion, particularly when affirmative engagement with the web is concerned.  

The TRG central planning message applies to all aspects areas of the internet centered on: “If it is worth doing, it should be clarified in writing, with a calendar of resulting actions and two sets of eyes for all intentions.” 

This is not just a matter of "Planning for the Web also…” The central working theme behind so many TRG-led planning efforts is particularly true when the web is the focus.

Please send in your ideas about how to best start this New Year with a solid understanding of your use of the web!

Your thoughts and examples of favorite web-related efforts are greatly sought.

Marc Paul Chinoy


Winner of the Month:
Eric Zimmerman, Partner: Rogan, Miller, Zimmerman 

“Front and Center!”
Focused on Events, Responsibilities and Personalities “In Real Time”
Related Terms:
Heads up; Present and Accounted For; On the Front Line; Ready for Action 
How it Sounds:
"Frank knew that to close the Midwest deal it was critical that his entire team be Front and Center, and not Chasing the Phantom of Last Year’s Good Time".
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The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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