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The Regis Group
Premise:  If your website is a “One Time” stopping point of interest, no matter how attractive, it has real value, but that value is capped.
Your site should be a gateway to a place of interest to be both visited and revisited.  Do you need ALL of the following??? Not necessarily, but Why Not?

Website Presentation
  - Appeal / "Grab" – “Clean” front with items of interest refreshed often
  - Immediacy – New Elements Weekly, preferably connected to client needs
  - Search engine placement – Learn to control internally
Direct e-mail Program
  - Targeted – Specific Current subjects
  - Broad send – Expanded Database adjusted after each use 
Branding phrases/images
  - Recognizable and enhanced
  - Relational Cross Placement!! (with/between Allied Entities)
     - Cross endorsements
  - Key sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)
Endorsement/Cross endorsement (to expand reach) 
  - e Advertising 
  - Placement
  - Frequency
Connection to interactive business functions
Your direct participation is NOT the key… LINKAGE is:
  - Conferences
  - Conventions
  - Forums
Connection to amusements
  - Both Free and Commercial (Of merit)
News Media Coverage
  - Releases
  - As primary/secondary source
Personal Enhancement Influencers / Sectors
  - New i-Net Media
  - Educators
  - Organizations of both “For Profit” and “Not For Profit” Executives
The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |  
703 777-2233 |
            April 2012            
Here's the April Agenda!
PREMISE: Internet usage is now universal: Please consider that ALL of the lists below apply to your business.
1. Have you clarified whom you are trying to reach through the web?
2. Does your Website "Connect; Grab; Hold?"
3. How many Allied sources are sending visitors to your site by plan / mutual agreement?
4. How often and where are you or your team featured on the web?
5. Where were your last press releases displayed?
6. Do you have a written plan for web enhancement with rolling timetable?
7. Are your team, allies and supporters in sync with your plan?
Perceived needs are rapidly shifting and accelerating in real time. NOTE: Any entity without a comprehensive internet plan is flying blind.
• Now Daily/Constant/Fully Functional
• A Primary Marketing Venue
• Directly Competing With "Live" Interaction/Functions
     - Business Meetings
     - Training
     - Social Events (YES... even if this one gives us pause to consider)
• Providing Personal Interconnection
     - Key Entertainment Outlet
• Direct Competition To Open Broadcast / Cable Broadcast
     - Perennial methods must be reassessed ASAP
• Important to shift understanding of the Internet
• Reset Your Outreach Methods and Priorities
• Immediate prospect of enhanced Revenue and Influence
• Website
• Direct e-mail Program
• Branding phrases/images
• Alliances
• Placement on general Internet
• Connection to interactive business functions
• Endorsement/Cross endorsement (to expand reach)
• Connection to amusements
• News Media Coverage
• Delivery Influencers/Sectors
To view the full version of Internet Development Tool, visit TRG website.

Focus on the Future
Guest Predictions:
Dr. Shahn Wilburn
Guest Predictions is a regular feature in which we ask leaders in a number of professions a set of questions that affect us all.
Dr. Shahn Wilburn - Senior Pastor at Riverview Baptist Church
Pastor Shahn and his wife Juanita came to Riverview October 26, 1980 when the small congregation which occupied the little white church overlooking the New River called him to be their Pastor. A native of Giles County, he was attending Piedmont Baptist College in Winston-Salem, NC at the time, and living in Franklin County, VA. For a complete bio on Pastor Shahn Wilburn please visit Riverview Baptist Church.
Q:     What changes in your professional environment in the past 3-5 years have you found to be the most beneficial?
A:    Technology.
Q:    What changes have been the most troubling to you?
A:    Technology, lack of time to keep current. 
Q:     How will globalization affect your professional area in the near term?
A:   It will allow us to reach cross culturally more readily and with greater impact.
Q:     What significant challenges might be anticipated in your professional area in the next few years? 
A:    Government regulations and control pushing its way into the pulpit.
Q:     What are the greatest challenges confronting young professionals in Western culture today? 
A:    Government, ever expanding government bureaucracy. 

 Dr. Shahn Wilburn
Marc Chinoy
President's Letter
We all blinked… We knew it was there… We had taken many steps to engage ourselves in the web…
But where’s the PLAN???
The common subject for this month is the internet.

In many cases those of us who plan on a regular basis considered the web and “e-everything” a critical tool… but to what extent did we focus on the web as needing a full annual planning effort as important as the internal budget cycle?
O.k.  “Too much to add to a heavy work load”, you say.  “Won’t this work as a Goal in our annual strategic plan (by whatever name you give it… including “The budget”)?
Of Course!  IF the “Internet Goal” is given sufficient priority and starts to look like its own major project with annual re-evaluation planning and reset.
The articles to the left, supported by a more extensive tool on the TRG site is a significant enhancement of our offering two years ago, for the simple reason that the critical nature of the web has increased steadily.
Please let me know what you think.

Best wishes as you plan to move forward,
Marc Paul Chinoy

Winner of the Month:
Thaddius J. Carvis: Veteran Patent Attorney
Saved By The Bell! 
A sudden fix for a problem or issue immediately before the deadline.
Related Terms:
“Coming up for air”; “Last gasp”; “Glimmer of hope”
How it Sounds:
“Finding the missing spreadsheet 1 hour before the session meant that Monica was Saved By the Bell”
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The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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