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The Regis Group
Eric Zimmerman
Eric V. Zimmerman, an associate with The Regis Group, Inc., is a contributing author to Real Estate in Virginia, a publication of the Virginia Continuing Legal Education
The two-volume effort was recently published for the benefit of attorneys in Virginia to assist in the professional handling of residential real estate closings. 
Eric has practiced law in Virginia since 1975 and has served on the Real Property Section of the Virginia State Bar for over twenty years, including two terms on its Board of Governors.  He also received the Tradition of Excellence Award from the Virginia State Bar in recognition of his community efforts in bringing a Babe Ruth Baseball World Series to his hometown of Purcellville, Virginia where he was also Mayor for four years.  

The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |  
703 777-2233 |
            August 2012            
This article highlights elements from the wide range of tools developed by TRG over 20 years in support of our clients’ efforts.
As you review these tools we request hearing from you which have been particularly beneficial, well as the nature of new tools you might desire to see.

1.  Team facilitation Guideline: An organized use of talent and time to arrive at a working plan
2.  The "Single Document" and "The Book" Part I and Part II: A method for gathering related documents, data and working elements into a central resource
3.  Project Spec Sheet Model: A model for making certain that a strategic effort is both tangible and persued
4.  Building Strategic Alliances: A means of expanding on and supplementing the strengths of a lead group
5.  Service Related Branding Development: Causing a focused perception in the marketplace of the nature of a group’s efforts and value to clients
These and more are featured on TRG’s website  Archived Leadership Tools page.  

Focus on the Future
Guest Predictions:
Rick Daniel
Guest Predictions is a regular feature in which we ask leaders in a number of professions a set of questions that affect us all.
Rick Daniel has a B.S. in Management from Rutgers, is LEAN Six Sigma Certified, a Certified Public Facilitator, coached the Dale Carnegie course and is the Vice President of Cool Landing Facilitating.  His background in project management, management consulting and facilitating enhances his success at facilitating high profile meetings for clients such as the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Additionally he performs pro bono work for organizations based upon need.  He can be reached at (207) 636-7400.
Q:     What changes in your professional environment in the past 3-5 years have you found to be the most beneficial?
A:    Constant change in a global economy has forced many to recognize that there is a vast difference between a facilitator and a great facilitator.  A great one is constantly adapting, advancing and using new techniques to lend credibility to the client’s efforts.
Q:    What changes have been the most troubling to you?
A:    The ubiquitous cynicism across America today which is partially attributed to a polarized political climate is accentuated by leadership that lacks clear vision for the people it serves and fails to hear and understand the people it’s serving. Reviving dignity to those who want to work would be an encouraging start. Automatic two years of service in the military or the Peace Corps after high school would be another positive move.  In many ways, we’ve become a spoiled, self-centered society that lacks discipline and accountability.  In my profession, this may present as diametrically-opposed groups that initially don’t care to understand one another, yet want viable solutions; hence my involvement.
Q:     How will globalization affect your professional area in the near term?
A:   Future globalization will dictate the need for facilitators to be more intimately engaged in business processes to ensure workable, iterative yet dynamic business models that accentuate agility in the market place.  A facilitator that provides a value-added perspective rather than simply running a meeting will become a standard, rather than an option.
Q:     What significant challenges might be anticipated in your professional area in the next few years? 
A:    One challenge will be teaching leaders in the public and private sectors how to seek out a multi-faceted facilitator that knows how to bring out the best in people; helping them to team in order to embrace change and continuously improve, while highlighting their value as individuals.  Additionally, convincing organizations that when they focus on doing the right thing, it minimizes churn and peripheral issues they shouldn’t be wasting time on anyway.
Q:     What are the greatest challenges confronting young professionals in Western culture today? 
A:    The Gravy Train has left the station and a college degree guarantees nothing. Emotional maturity where young people are not afraid to live their values (refreshing change) will be on par with technical savvy, the ability to communicate and education.  As bold yet low-key leaders, their wise decisions will be the best hope for revitalizing America.  There’s even the possibility that their wisdom, perseverance and decisiveness will transcend the “need” for political correctness prevalent in society today and lead to improved, collaborative, solutions. 

 Rick Daniel
Marc Chinoy
President's Letter
Dear Readers,
August will be a most unusual month for TRG, as we celebrate the beginning of our twentieth year of service in November and welcome our newest associate, Deborah Cornwell to our team.

Deborah’s extra-ordinary skills related to assessing and enhancing the management of heavily used facilities, will be presented on the TRG website by month’s end.
Starting in the column to the left, we will begin highlighting the leadership tools we have established during two decades of support to leaders from around the world and used in hundreds of projects and planning sessions at hotels, conference centers and client sites from Los Angeles to Boston and from Australia to Botswana.

For the hundreds of leaders who have joined us at these sessions we say, “Thank You!” and offer a request to hear which of our methods have been of greatest benefit to you.  
As always, thank you for joining us. 

Until the next time,
Marc Paul Chinoy

Winner of the Month:
Jim Snyder, Principal at Yount Hyde & Barbour
“Boiling Down The Issues”
Determining the central concepts within a complex matter (often associated with a group interaction)
Related Terms:
Spotlighting trouble, Finding a passage through
How it Sounds:
"An hour later, when the team finished ‘Boiling down the issues,’ they realized a ‘Loving Hands at Home’ website was our biggest ‘Stumbling Block.’" 
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The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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