At TRG we are devoted to helping our clients plan in a way that will not just respond to their circumstances, but take advantage of the opportunities that surround us as we move forward.
…And YES… there are always opportunities if we see clearly and plan to grab them with strength.
In this regard, while the best planning is innovative and progressive, it is also reflective of reality.
ALL good planning should start with an Assessment of several critical elements:
1) What has actually occurred in both the extended and the recent past
2) What is likely to occur next no matter what we do
3) Those tools we have at hand
4) Those we are missing that we need
… And then move to select a Vision of a desired positioning at a chosen point in a future of our making by determining:
5) The blend of the opportunities to advance clarified with those challenges to be met
6) The capture of commitment to create the future in a way to builds on assets already at hand while taking control of (or building from the ground up) new ones.
For those who are shaking your heads and saying, “These are old themes”, I say, “Yes! Old and Proven, and too often by-passed in the need to “Just Get Started.”
To those already engaged in planning this Fall, we wish clear thinking and innovation, to those who believe that these are nice theories to be understood while they get on with what they must do we say, “Please think again.”
TRG Strategic Planning