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The Regis Group
Policies & Procedures and
Converting Your Career
Policies & Procedures
Full Index Now Available

After several years of development, TRG is preparing to offer a license to use a fully indexed set of Generic Policies and Procedures (P&P’s).

The Index is divided into seven categories:
1. Introduction
2. Personnel
3. Administration
4. External Relations
5. Operations
6. Legal
7. Owner/Partner Relations

TRG will license through allied groups representing a broad spectrum of industries, disciplines and services.
The P&P’s have been designed to be adjusted to reflect either an organization or an entire industry.
Converting Your Career
The Regis Group, Inc. (TRG) in cooperation with The Loudoun Small Business Development Center (LSBDC) recently held an event focused on “Converting Your Career” (CYC) in Leesburg.  This is the sixth time and the third group participating in the course in the past year, with enhancements each time.
The ratings from ALL participants were extremely beneficial.

The course has provided professionals throughout the region and beyond with the tangible means to repackage their knowledge and experience.
TRG is now in the process of arranging with several non-profits and interest groups to establish dates for the next round.

If your group is interested in offering this valuable course to your constituency please visit our website at and call us at 703.777.2233 for details. 

The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |  
703 777-2233 |
                   August 2013               
Internet Planning (Part1) 
Over the next three months, The Agenda (a monthly newsletter from TRG) will focus via articles on the steadily increasing importance of the Internet at all levels of business and life.

While the Internet is now a critical part of our culture, there are many areas of understanding around ownership, protection and control of intellectual property, as well as positioning and outreach that are not being reviewed systematically to the extent  they might (and should) be.
These writings will focus on a set of critical areas including:
* Core Concepts
* Support
* Access
* Positioning
* Interaction 
* Protection
* Planning
Core Concepts:
* The Internet is a blend of methods, platforms and entry ports.  
* The Internet serves as both a ‘highway’ and a series of ‘tools’.
* The worldwide web is ‘owned’ by the composite of all entities and individuals who use it.
* The programs, systems, and named methods belong in most cases to specific entities.
* Those elements that are ‘universally’ owned are evolving so fast that specific ‘owned’ program extensions and specialized application often belong to specific entities that have written and control the application extensions.  
* There is a vital need that all business organizations have under their immediate control both the talent and the fundamental programs that both position their groups on the web and can provide their groups’ offerings as ‘tools’.
* At the minimum all groups should consider the steps to bring their direct control to one or more central websites.
* Internal governance within groups as relates their internet capabilities is of critical importance.
* The ability to adjust websites and both messages and appearances should be under immediate control, warranting specialized training for members of internal support teams.
* ALL leaders and advisors to business should have knowledgeable support available in ‘Real Time’ with direct access to the primary website and means of managing future e-communication.
* If there is a significant lag time in moving from recognition of a need for new information on the web, steps should be taken to adjust this.
* A principal concept is ‘two sets of eyes’ capable of reviewing all website content and forming adjustments.
* Well understood Policies & Procedures for development, presentation and support is a high priority.
In September we will focus on Positioning and Interaction, with a presentation of Protection and Planning at the start of October.

YOUR QUESTIONS, OBSERVATIONS and ADDITIONAL CONCEPTS are highly sought. Please email at: Newsletter Internet Planning.
Focus on the Future
Guest Predictions:
Bernadette Durkin 
Guest Predictions is a regular feature in which we ask leaders in a number of professions a set of questions that affect us all. 
Bernadette Durkin, Cedarstone Counseling Center, Leesburg, VA.

I am a Virginia Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), with a psychotherapy practice in Leesburg, VA.  I see adults, both individually and couples.  My focus of treatment disorders is: depression, anxiety, life conflicts and addictive behaviors.  I have been a Social Worker since 1969 and a licensed Psychotherapist since 1993, having worked in Community Mental Health, a well as Private inpatient and outpatient facilities.

Q:     What do you see as the key emerging uses of the Internet in Social Work?
A:    Due to patient confidentiality, I use the internet for research in treatment and resources, but for these uses, the internet is powerful. 
Q:    What surprising applications of the Internet have you found in Social Work?
A:    Often times patients seek treatment because they have found, or been found to be addicted to online dependent and abusive behaviors, such as gambling, impulsive spending, extra-relational affairs or pornography. 
Q:     What have been the "Best Uses" of the Internet for you?
A:    The “Best Uses” would be research.  I receive several professional print journals, but find that belonging to professional online groups that produce up to date clinical research is invaluable.  I can also quickly check medication side effects that may be contributing to adverse patient behavior.  I have also found that for anxious patients, who fear speaking on the phone or face to face, the internet is more comfortable to use. 
Q:     What should be avoided when dealing with the Internet? 
A:    Although the internet is a remarkable tool for communication and organization, I find that from a therapeutic perspective, the instantaneous availability discourages reflection and encourages impulsive reactions. 
Q:     Which next steps might you recommend for all of us to take? 
A:    Use the internet as a positive tool for communication, information, organization, but be careful about what is put out there for all to see, especially on social media over which one may have little control.  Make it a positive tool in one’s life and in the universe in general. 

Burnadette Durkin
Marc Chinoy
President's Letter
After a lifetime of writing fiction as a late evening activity and business guidelines steadily in support to TRG, I have begun to experiment with Amazon and Kindle as an outlet.

With amazingly effective assistance from a talented, young professional, Ryan Marsan, I have mounted the first of several sets of stories and the beginning of a chain of novels for license through Amazon.

Ryan can be contacted directly at Agenda Newsletter to help you and your allies in a similar way.
Over the next weeks, the TRG Team will take the lessons learned to convert our business books, “Getting Started” and “On the Agenda” to the same format for licensing to you and your groups across the web.  As we proceed we will be reporting how you, in turn, might apply this for your business and creative properties. Your questions (and feedback) will be most valued.
Additionally, we are proceeding toward full release resulting from a multi-year effort to systematize Policies and Procedures, critical tools that should be the centerpiece of successful business management everywhere.
As always (but now more than ever) your perspective is being sought by our team. 
Marc Paul Chinoy! 

Winner of the Month:
Back by Popular demand: Bryan Benitz of The Veterinary Club, LLC.   

“Steam Rolled!”
To be overwhelmed by one or more business personalities intent on driving targeted victims to accept a result more valuable to the roller than the rollee.
Related Terms:
Eighty-sixed, Pushed Under the Bus, Dragged Behind the Wagon
How it Sounds:
“Frank was STEAM-ROLLED by an executive committee intent on PUSHING a HEAVYWEIGHT LAY-OFF AGENDA of their own.”
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The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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