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The Regis Group
Reality Check
Strategic Planning is NOT an interesting exercise that is merely a right thing to do.

While the range of elements that fit within the process is broad and should be tailored to each group individually, leaders of every organization should ask themselves a set of basic questions:
1. Have we mapped out how to expand the number and diversity of our clients? 
2. Have we clarified how we will differentiate ourselves among our competitors? 
3. Do we  have and adhere to a calendar with measurable outcomes setting forth how we intend to secure clients as a way of assuring a solid positioning within our profession? 
If the answer to any of these questions less than absolutely clear, then the prospect of mapping a future that has been crafted by the leadership will have been left to circumstances under the influence… if not the control… of others.

This is the ultimate test:
Is there an internal calendar-driven sequence fully engaging the leadership in assuring the existence of a dynamic plan focused on both securing an expanded set of clients and enhancing profitability?

If the answer to any of these questions is anything less than “absolutely in place”, then our team at TRG would be pleased to help you arrive at answers pointed in the direction for business growth NOW.
Ask us… there is no risk in Asking.

Please call us at 703.777.2233 or email us at Newsletter.
The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |  
703 777-2233 |
                   September 2013               
Internet Planning (Part2)
The Agenda has begun a focus on the steadily increasing importance of the Internet at all levels of business and life.

While the Internet is now a critical part of our culture, there are key areas of understanding that risk lagging behind in planning efforts. 
Focus on the Next Two Critical Areas

Positioning is the intersection of an intended perception by a client and the relation of that perception to their view of competing interests. 
For planning purposes 'Competing' goes far beyond the relative merits of business competitors. Of necessity, 'Competing Interests' should include an understanding of alternate activities that may cause prospective clients to turn away due to time factors.

An example might be a law or accounting firm that no longer systematically adjusts information on their website, believing that new clients are coming from referral and that after the initial view have no reason to visit the site.

A site that is not dynamic will not help keep the firm in the forefront of client minds.
* Positioning should include a clear understanding of the impression both intended to be made and actually in place with clients and competitors at the current time.
The sequence by which you interact with clients and allies should NOT be left to chance. 
The use of the calendar is often at the center of this planned element. 
'How' you interact is highly significant, but will be lost under the pressure of competing interests if contact is not being made on an ongoing basis (preferably with a core of contacts scheduled).
By example: THE TRG WEBSITE is a critical component for how we interact with a broad network on an ongoing basis at least twice a month to add value.

Of the highest importance is not leaving interaction to chance, but taking the time on a regularly scheduled basis to plan and adjust. 

In October we will finish this article with Protection and Planning. 
Focus on the Future
Guest Predictions:
Patti Strand 
Guest Predictions is a regular feature in which we ask leaders in a number of professions a set of questions that affect us all. 
Patti Strand, National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA) National Director
Patti is a recognized expert and consultant on contemporary animal issues, most notably responsible dog ownership and the animal rights movement. She often appears on radio and television and her articles on canine issues, animal welfare, public policy and animal rights have appeared in major US news publications and in trade, professional and scientific journals.

Patti and her husband Rod co-authored The Hijacking of the Humane Movement: Animal Extremism in 1993, the first US book exposing the extremism of the animal rights movement. Patti has been a Dalmatian breeder and enthusiast since 1969, is an approved AKC judge and served on the AKC board of Directors for 16 years. She holds a degree in political science from Portland State University

Q:     What do you see as the key emerging uses of the Internet in Social Work?
A:    The internet has given us a much greater ability to build and organize our membership and disseminate information. 
Q:    What surprising applications of the Internet have you found in Social Work?
A:    Facebook and our advocacy software have allowed us to expand our presence dramatically. 
Q:     What have been the "Best Uses" of the Internet for you?
A:    NAIA publishes and distributes original articles and studies, so having a boundless source of information and the latest studies available is priceless to us. 
Q:     What should be avoided when dealing with the Internet? 
A:    It’s important to keep in mind that the Internet is not a substitute for many other kinds of communication. Face to face communication, telephone and hand written letters still have important roles to play. We work with grassroots volunteers, so establishing a set of communications guidelines has helped us avoid problems. 
Q:     Which next steps might you recommend for all of us to take? 
A:    We are still finding our own way. 

Patti Strand
Marc Chinoy
President's Letter
Moment of Joy

Special Congratulations to our old friend Phil Morphew on his marriage to his true love, Theresa in California in August .  
I have been very pleased by this grand next step for their most enviable connection of many years... Happy endings do not happen nearly often enough, and what is even rarer is seeing a relation revealed as solid and loving over time.
Please join me in a joyous recognition of a most admirable milepost in their grand journey together.

And to all of Readers we send our best regards at the informal beginning of the business year.

Marc Paul Chinoy

Winner of the Month:
First Time: Robert Pizzimenti, Senior Executive Adviser and Realtor   

“Open Your Eyes”
To make an attribute of a deal or a relation apparent.
Related Terms:
See ‘Heaven and Earth’ and ‘Everything In-between;’ Percolating with Ideas
How it Sounds:
“We want you to Open Your Eyes to all the possibilities in this deal”
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The Regis Group, Inc.
102 North King Street | Leesburg, VA 20176 |
703 777-2233 |

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