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The TRG Fast-Track engages a senior leadership team in a sequence designed to yield a plan for an enterprise or project within two months. The sequence starts with an internal assessment including current circumstances, initiatives underway and the results of previous planning efforts.

Fast Track Plan Development is broken down into six weeks of preparatory work, followed by a one-day on-site session, leading to the drafting and refining of an outcome over a two week period.

A Fast-Track Plan Development follows a three-phase sequence, similar to the Comprehensive Strategic Planning, but with an accelerated approach.

  • Phase 1: Preparation Phase - Preparatory work including:
    1. A review of the organization's development process to date
    2. Clarification of the range of results being sought from the planning
    3. Familiarizing the group with the processes to be followed during the Facilitation Phase
    4. Establishing the sequence of discussions and activities appropriate to develop a strategic plan

  • Phase 2: Facilitation Phase - Lead the group through a one day facilitated session intended to:
    1. Establish an outcome which the group intends to follow
    2. Develop into the form of a successful strategic plan
    3. Ensure that a working sequence is in place

  • Phase 3: Documentation Phase - TRG will compile the results of the strategic planning activity, leading to a comprehensive draft of a working strategic plan.

Additional activities might include TRG on-site visits with the leadership, on-going tactical reviews of the Strategic Plan, and review and development of internal planning processes.

To discuss how TRG can assist your organization to develop a successful, dynamic strategic plan, please Contact us.

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